Monday, December 30, 2013

Today's featured Etsy shop... Lil Stinker Design

My name is Cheri, and my business is named Lil Stinker Design.

When did you start your Etsy shop? Originally, I opened my shop creating and selling inspirational artwork in the summer of 2012. However, in the spring of 2013 I realized that the art prints weren't selling like I wanted them to. With God's direction (one unique little encouraging step after another), I transitioned to selling my artwork on a new little canvas, commonly known as phone cases in the summer of 2013.

What is the story behind your business name? Ah, people always ask that question. It all began when I was a child and was attracted even then to the arts and the graphic quality of black and white. When everyone else collected cows or penguins I wanted to be unique and thus started to collect skunks. The whole skunk "thing" continued throughout my life and naturally became part of my business name. Its also appropriate as I do create diSTINCTive designs to help you express yourself. :-)

What do you sell? Currently my canvas is the iPhone 4/4s, iPhone 5/5s and Samsung Galaxy S3 & S4. However, in the near future I plan to add some other products. I anticipate including additional options for weddings such as drink koozies, ornaments, signage, and potentially jewelry.

How did you get into your craft? Creativity has been a part of my life as long as I can remember. I've been a designer for the past 20 or so years (Shh!). As stated earlier, I kind of stumbled into creating artwork for phones but can clearly see the Lords direction through the process. It wasn't an easy journey by any means. I went through the death of a vision when the art prints didn't sell well. And even after I transitioned to phone cases things were slow for a long time. My immediate friends told me to quit and get a "real" job. But I had vision, knew the market, saw so much potential, and also remained steadfast that the Lord had directed me into this business. Thankfully, I continued to maintain focus, do more market research, analyze what people were making and selling and weren't selling, and found niches that were untapped and went from there. Its all been about research, fine tuning and lots of prayer. Although my business isn't where I want it to be yet, its providing a decent income at this point and I see so much potential ahead. This is hugely gratifying.

Anything else you would like to share? I'm grateful for the encouragement I've had along the way: from friends who supported my efforts, from the Etsy CASTteam who helped in so many ways with how to run my Etsy shop, from the Lord who has taught me to pursue His vision even in the midst of chaos (ie. slow sales, friend's telling me to quit, and 3 housing moves!) From experience, I can say that the road may not be easy, but truly the Lord will bring to pass what He has provided vision for. My faith and trust in Him continues as I take baby steps into new territory in increasing sales and expanding inventory. - Cheri @

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